

Board of Directors

The Company elected 7 directors (including 4 independent directors)at the General Shareholders’ Meeting held on June 16, 2023 . The tenure of the newly elected Directors is 3 years and effective from Jun. 16 2023 to Jun. 15 2026.The term of the assume office.

Members of The Board



Principal work experience and academic qualifications

Position(s) held concurrently in the company and/or in any other company


Vinent Hu

Master of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung University
Division Manager of Computer Products Division, UMC,
President and Chairman of ITE Tech. Inc.
CTO of this Company
Director of RDC Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
Independent Director of U-MEDIA Communications Inc.


UMC *Representative:Yun -Yu Chen

MBA of Columbia Business School, USA
Executive Director of Finance Division of UMC,
Supervisor of UMC Capital
Executive Director of Finance Division of UMC,
Supervisor of UMC Capital


H.Y Lin

EMBA of National Chiao Tung University
President of SMedia Technology Corporation
President of this Company,
Director of ITE Tech.(Shenzhen) Inc.

Independ Director

Fan-Tina Lee

Master, Institute of Electronics Engineering, National Taiwan University,
Vice President of Song Quan Company Limited,
Investment Manager of ADVANTECH CO., LTD
Senior Director of IiteOn Technology Corp,
Director of Drahonjct Corp

Independent Director

Shih-fang Hsu

Bachelor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University,
President and Director of Atrie Technology Inc.
Independent Director of U-MEDIA Communications Inc.

Independent Director

Yi-tsung Huang

Bachelor, Department of Accounting, Tamkang University,
Senior Executive Officer of Domestic listing Department, TWSE ,
Vice President of Power Quotient International Co., Ltd
Director of PixArt Imaging Inc.
Independent Director of eCloudvalley Digital Technology Co., Ltd.,
Independent Director of Aethertek technology co., Ltd.
Independent Director of Kayee International Croup Co.,Ltd

Independent Director

Shou-shan Chen

Master, Institute of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung University
Director and Vice President of Weida Hi-Tech Co., Ltd.
Director of Fu-Cheng Investment co., Ltd.

Board Diversity

In order to reinforce corporate governance and promote sound development of board composition and structure, the nomination of candidates for directors of the Company shall be adopted the candidate nomination system in accordance with the provisions of the Company's Articles of Incorporation. Each candidate’s professional background, gender, age, work experience, independence, and others are evaluated and considered. The nominated director should possess the capabilities such as Business judgment ability, Accounting and financial analysis ability, Management ability, Crisis handling ability, Industry knowledge, Global market perspectives, Leadership, and Decision-making ability.
For implementing the diversity of the board of directors, the company has, based on its operational patterns and developmental needs, formulated diversification management objective as follows: (1)Adequate and diverse professional knowledge and skills, (2)At least 3 seats of independent directors, (3)The independent directors shall not hold office for more than 3 terms, (4)At least two of the directors have financial, accounting or legal background, (5)The target ratio of female director is 25% or more.

Diversity information of directors

The current Board of Directors of the Company consists of seven directors. The specific management objectives of the board diversity policy and their achievement status are as follows:

Management objectives

Achievement status

Adequate and diverse professional knowledge and skills


At least 3 seats of independent directors


The independent directors shall not hold office for more than 3 terms


At least two of the directors have financial, accounting or legal backgroun


The target ratio of female director is 25% or more


The implementation status of the board diversity policy is as follows

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Name of Directors

Vincent Hu

Representative of UMC: Yun-Yu Chen

H.Y Lin

Fan-tine Lee

Shih-fang Hsu

Yi-tsung Huang

Shou-shan Chen

Core goals for diversification





Terms of contract

Business judgment

Accounting & Finance

Operational management

Crisis Handling

Industry Knowledge

Global market perspective






























Major resolutions of Board of Directors


Important Resolutions


1. The amount of director remuneration and employee compensation for the year 2023
2. Recognition of 2022 Business Report and Financial Statement
3. Recognition of 2022 Earnings distribution
4. Cash Dividend from Capital Surplus
5. The date and agenda of the 2023 General Shareholders’ Meeting.
6. Appointed Ernst & Young Accounting Firm to provide attestation for the Company's 2023 financial statements
7. To issue Employee Restricted Shares


Recognition of 2023Q1 Financial Statements.


1. Hu, Chun-Yang was elected as the Chairman by the board of Directors
2. Appointed all the independent directors as the members of the 5th term
of Remuneration Committee


1. Recognition of 2023Q2 Financial Statements
2. Amendments to Corporate Governance principles
3. Formulation the issuance regulations for Employee Restricted Shares
of 2023
4. Approval the quota granted to managers when issuing Employee
Restricted Shares of 2023


1.Recognition of 2023Q3 Financial Statements
2.Audit Plans of 2024
3. Approval the provision rate of employee compensation of 2023。
4. Revision the issuance regulations for Employee Restricted
5. Formulation the Risk Management Policies and procedures

Succession planning for board members and key management

Succession planning and operations of board members

The election of Directors adopts a candidate nomination system and is handled in accordance with the "Procedures for Election Directors". There are currently 7 directors (including 4 independent directors), each with business, legal, financial accounting or management expertise required for company operations. Two of them are also important management members of the company. In the future, the company will continue to strengthen the structure of the board of directors.
Regarding the succession planning of the board of directors, there are currently many senior managers in the group who have the management and professional abilities required to serve as directors. At the same time, the company will also recruit professional talents from outside to prepare for the succession planning of directors.

As for the independent directors, they are required by law to have work experience required in business, legal affairs, finance, accounting or corporate business. The company will appoint independent directors in accordance with legal requirements to further exert the function of corporate governance.

Succession planning and operations of important management levels

Employees of the company's deputy general manager (inclusive) and above are important management levels, and each management level has an agent. In order to cultivate important management levels and their agents, the company organizes internal and external training courses from time to time. The training content includes professional training, judgment, management and problem-solving skills to improve the quality of management's decision-making and prepare high-quality manpower for the company's long-term development.
The company uses the existing performance appraisal system to evaluate and review suitable future successor candidates to facilitate future development and progress. In addition to retaining talents, the company also recruits outstanding talents from outside and uses internal and external talent pools to increase the breadth and depth of the company's successor candidates.

Data Building

We are currently preparing. Stay tuned!



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